Flutter Development – Building Cross-Platform Apps

Categories: Design, Development
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Embark on a dynamic journey into the world of mobile app development with “Flutter Development – Building Cross-Platform Apps.” This course is meticulously crafted to guide participants through the versatile Flutter framework, empowering them to create high-quality, natively compiled applications for iOS, Android, and the web. Whether you’re a novice developer or an experienced programmer, this immersive learning experience covers everything from Flutter basics to advanced features, providing the skills needed to build efficient, visually appealing, and responsive cross-platform applications.

What Will You Learn?

  • Module 1: Introduction to Flutter
  • Understanding Flutter and its advantages
  • Installing Flutter and Dart SDK
  • Creating your first Flutter project
  • Overview of the Flutter architecture
  • Module 2: Dart Programming Fundamentals
  • Dart language syntax and structure
  • Variables, data types, and control flow
  • Functions and object-oriented programming in Dart
  • Error handling and exceptions
  • Module 3: Flutter Widgets and UI Design
  • Introduction to Flutter widgets
  • Building layouts with basic widgets
  • Styling and theming in Flutter
  • Creating responsive designs with media queries
  • Module 4: Navigation and State Management
  • Implementing navigation between screens
  • Managing app state in Flutter
  • Using providers for state management
  • Persistent state with shared preferences
  • Module 5: Networking and Data Handling
  • Making HTTP requests with Dart
  • Handling JSON data in Flutter
  • Integrating third-party APIs
  • Managing data with models and services
  • Module 6: Local Storage and Persistence
  • Implementing local storage with SQLite
  • Using Hive for efficient data persistence
  • Secure storage of sensitive information
  • Enhancing user experiences with cached data
  • Module 7: Platform-Specific Features
  • Utilizing platform channels for native integrations
  • Incorporating device-specific features (camera, sensors)
  • Handling permissions in Flutter applications
  • Accessing native APIs with method channels
  • Module 8: Flutter Animation and Gesture Recognition
  • Creating animations with Flutter
  • Recognizing gestures for interactive UI
  • Complex animations with Flutter's animation library
  • Optimizing performance with animated widgets
  • Module 9: Testing and Debugging
  • Writing unit tests in Flutter
  • Debugging techniques for Flutter applications
  • Using Flutter DevTools for profiling
  • Ensuring code quality with linting
  • Module 10: Deployment and App Store Submission
  • Preparing Flutter apps for deployment
  • Building and signing apps for iOS and Android
  • Uploading apps to the App Store and Google Play
  • Handling versioning and release strategies
  • Module 11: Flutter for Web
  • Extending Flutter apps to the web platform
  • Building responsive web applications with Flutter
  • Handling platform-specific considerations
  • Debugging and optimizing Flutter web applications
  • Module 12: Real-World Project Development
  • Applying acquired skills to develop a complete cross-platform application
  • Collaborative coding sessions and project reviews
  • Incorporating best practices for scalable and maintainable code
  • Final project presentation and feedback